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PepSlide® Analyzer 1.5 Released

PepSlide Updates

08 Nov 2013 - PepSlide® Analyzer 1.5 enables searching for antigens and proteins that contain peptides on the array.

PepSlide® Analyzer version 1.5.8 has been released. It supports searching for antigens and proteins that contain peptides on the array. Details on how to setup and perform the search can be viewed here. In addition, this version improves the performance and intuitiveness of data mining tools which are useful for biomarker discovery.

The User’s Guide for PepSlide® Analyzer 1.5 is available for download at the manual page.

New Features and Improvements to Version 1.4:

  • Search for antigens and proteins that contain peptides on the array.
  • Principal Component Analysis & Hierarchical Clustering Analysis: Support analyzing replicas aggregately or individually.
  • Principal Component Analysis & Hierarchical Clustering Analysis: Improve the loading time for datasets of PSA files. (A typical dataset with 168 PSA files, each consists of 1800 features, can now be loaded in a minute.)
  • Principal Component Analysis & Hierarchical Clustering Analysis: Support analysis of large datasets. (E.g. a dataset with 168 PSA files, each consists of 1800 features.)
  • Hierarchical Clustering Analysis: Display features on the clustering tree as either peptide or ID. (It is easier to observe and lookup with IDs.)
  • Principle Component Analysis: Show a projected dataset and export its data to a CSV file.
  • Background correction with local methods: A consistent background value can be applied to all spots in a spot family, a block, or the entire array.
  • Use the original image data during data quantification.
  • Support arbitrary zoom levels.
  • Export quantified data to CSV files in two formats: Tab delimited and Semicolon delimited.

Bug Fixes:

  • Peptide Library Analysis: The Show Consensus Motif function does not work with GAL array files.
  • Opening a saved PSA project in Windows Explorer does not load the project.
  • Background correction using background controls: Background values of "Error" spots are not updated.